Departments & Positions
Command (Primary Manifest)
The Command division on a Klingon vessel is made up of the seniormost Klingon officers. Commanding a ship, base or other vessel is considered an honor worthy of song and carries with it the responsibilities of running the ship, base or vessel and carrying out the orders of the Klingon Defense Force.
Commanding Officer The commanding officer is the seniormost Klingon aboard a vessel. The position of commanding a ship, base or vessel is seen as an honorable one that carries with it the responsibility of leading warriors into battle and carrying out the orders of the Klingon Defense Force. First Officer The first officer is the second in command to the commanding officer and assists them in carrying out their duties. According to Klingon tradition, it is the responsibility of the first officer to assassinate his captain if the captain becomes weak or unable to perform. Second Officer The second officer is the third in command to the commanding officer and assists the first officer in carrying out the necessary duties on the ship, base or vessel. According to Klingon tradition, it is the responsibility of the second officer to assassinate the first officer if they becomes weak or unable to perform. Ancient The Ancient is the senior most enlisted on a vessel, much like the Star Fleet Chief of the Boat. The Ancient is to ensure all the department heads train their enlisted personnel to KDF standard. The Ancient also ensures that the welfare of enlisted personnel is up to Imperial standards. The Ancient is to also act as a liaison between officers and enlisted. The normal duty station for the Ancient is on the bridge. They are normally there to advise officers.
The position is a relatively new one for the KDF. As ships grew larger more and more enlisted personnel were needed. The term Ancient is from Shakespeare's Othello. The tittle is spoken in English, or as best as Klingons can pronounce English.Ship's Champion The Ship's Champion represents the vessel in events or duels of honor. It is not uncommon for rival ships to settle disputes using their Champion. Sometimes the duels are to the first blood, sometimes they are to the death.
The Ship's Champion is also responsible for security of the bridge. The Ship's Champion is also responsible for the personal safety of the ship's commanding officers. Should the Captain or First Officer be killed he would expect his life to be forfeit. The Ship's Champion also assigns bodyguards to the Captain or any other VIP.
Officer's are forbidden from this position as this leads to many problems. -
Weapons (Primary Manifest)
When it comes to space battles, there are no finer tacticians and gunners than Klingons. All officers in the Klingon Defense Force undergo significant tactical training before being given their officer status by the Klingon Oversight Council. Great honor can come from being an excellent weapons officer.
Chief Weapons Officer The Chief Weapons Officer is the seniormost tactician aboard a Klingon vessel. The position of Chief Weapons Officer is one of the few positions a Klingon Commanding Officer is allowed to pick themselves. It is considered a high honor to be selected to be the Chief Weapons Officer aboard a Klingon vessel. In addition to laying out tactical strategies with the Command officers, the Chief Weapons Officer oversees all weapons and armaments on the ship, base or vessel. Second Weapons Officer The Second Weapons Officer assists the Chief Weapons Officer with their duties in maintaining the weapons and armaments of the ship, base or vessel, whether that's ship weapons or the armory. Weapons Officer Weapons Officers are one of the most widely available positions in the Klingon Defense Force. Distinguished Weapons Officers can often go on to become Second Weapons Officers. Duties of the weapons officers is mainly carrying out the orders of their superiors and helping train and develop gunners into weapons officers. Master Gunner The ship's most senior gunner. Along with the duties of Gunner, the Master Gunner is also responsible for training all gunners and promoting Gunner's Mates to Gunners. Gunner The gunner is primarily responsible for manning the weapons systems on a Klingon ship, base or vessel. In most cases, gunners go on to become weapons officers. Because of the quest for honor, it isn't uncommon for weapons officers to relieve the gunners during battle. Gunner's Mate Usually a young warrior on their first assignments, the gunner's mate is on the ship, base or vessel to learn the ins and outs of life aboard a Klingon vessel and get a taste of their first battles. -
Navigation (Primary Manifest)
Much like any warrior in the Weapons division, the Navigation division are known for their bold and innovative battle maneuvers. Warriors in the Navigation division work closely with the Weapons division and understand battle tactics better than most.
Chief Navigator After the Weapons division, the Navigation division is one of the most important on a Klingon Vessel. The Chief Navigator is responsible for piloting the vessel and working with the Weapons division for optimal tactical effectiveness during battle. Klingon navigators are known for their bold and innovative navigational tactics during battle and are often known to be unpredictable, lending to their successes during combat. Second Navigator The Second Navigator is an experienced navigator who assists the Chief Navigator in their duties piloting the Klingon vessel. In most instances, the Chief Navigator will take over the helm controls during battle, but highly skilled Second Navigators can also be entrusted with the duties. In addition, Second Navigators oversee all auxiliary craft on the ship, base or vessel under the oversight of the Chief Navigator. Navigator Navigators are usually warriors who wish to move up into the officer ranks and pursue other honorable avenues to ultimate glory. Most navigators have little to know experience piloting and are trained on auxiliary craft and when the vessel isn't engaged in battle. It is rare for a navigator to ever pilot a vessel during combat. -
Engineering (Primary Manifest)
The Klingon Empire isn't known for its engineers. Despite that though, the Klingon Defense Force Order of Engineers is an honorable one with a long history of keeping vessels in battles for greater glory.
Chief Engineer The Chief Engineer is the seniormost Klingon engineer aboard a ship, base or vessel and is a member of the Order of Engineers. Klingon engineers have one job: keep the vessel's damage from interfering with continuing the battle. Because of the long history of doing so, most engineers are highly respected and honored on Klingon vessels. Second Engineer The Second Engineer is often an aspiring Chief Engineer who has not been granted admission to the Order of Engineers. During their assignment, they are usually evaluated by the Chief Engineer for admission into the order. The Second Engineer's duties are assisting the Chief Engineer in maintaining the ship, base or vessel both leading up to and during battle. Engineer Klingon engineers are usually young officers on some of their first assignments. Due to the limitd number of engineers available in the Klingon Defense Force, they're often promoted to Second Engineer more rapidly than in other departments. Engineers report to the Chief Engineer and are responsible for maintaining the ship, base or vessel in and out of combat. Damage Control Specialist A Klingon Damage Control Specialist is responsible for reporting all damage to the Chief Engineer and assisting in triaging and repairing damaged systems before they force the Klingon vessel to retreat from battle. Cloaking Technician Cloaking devices are one of the most difficult pieces of technology for Klingons to deal with. Cloaking Technicians are proficient in repairs and optimization of the cloaking device and often go on to become Chief Engineers in the Klingon Defense Force. Weapons Systems Specialist One of the most integral engineers on any Klingon ship, base or vessel, the Weapons Systems Specialist is responsible for the maintainence of the tactical hardware found throughout the ship, whether it's shipboard weapons or the armory. Master Pioneer The Master Pioneer is a senior NCO and responsible for the training and welfare of the Pioneers. The Master Pioneer is also organizes Pioneers into damage control parties. Pioneer Squad Leader Pioneers are formed into damage control parties of ten, just as marine squads. Each Pioneer squad is lead by a Squad Leader who is a junior NCO. Pioneer A Pioneer is responsible for minimizing damage to the ship's structure. Pioneers are also involved in making repairs to the ship's structure. They are formed into damage control parties and answer to Damage Control Specialists. Pioneers do most of the routine maintenance on the ship. Pioneers are also first line warriors. The are expected to repel hostile boarding parties. Pioneers are also assigned to breaching teams.
Pioneers make up the bulk of the enlisted engineers. They often assist other engineers in the specialties, such as weapons technician or cloaking technician. If a Pioneer shows an aptitude, ability, or sometimes just a desire for a particular specialty; they may be chosen for addition schooling in that area. -
Medical (Primary Manifest)
Medical and Science services are sparse in the Klingon Empire and as such are in high demand on ships, bases and vessels near the front lines of a conflict. Besides dealing with medical problems, all Klingon physicians also double as science officers for the ship, base or vessel.
Chief Physician The Chief Physician is tasked with the physical well-being of the crew and providing medical assistance where needed. In many cases, the Chief Physician will be charged with assisting wounded warriors in attaining a more honorable death than lying on a bed waiting to die. In addition, physicians carry the added responsibility of being the science officers aboard a Klingon vessel. Physician While rare on smaller vessels, some Klingon vessels and bases have more than one physician who aids the Chief Physician in their medical and scientific duties. On medium-sized vessels, a physician will usually take on the duties the Chief Physician prefers not to do. Like Chief Physicians, normal physicians carry the added responsibility of being the science officers aboard a Klingon ship, base or vessel. Medic Medics are trained in basic medical needs. They know how to administer first and second aid along with the application of drugs. They often analyze tests results for physicians. They are often the first to administer aid to casualties. -
Intelligence (Primary Manifest)
This department is responsible for gathering and analyzing data. They are also the eyes and ears of the High Council on the ship. The Intelligence Department is to also insure that the crew remain loyal to the High Council. This department has access to all personnel files of the crew. This branch is semi independent. While they will obey the orders of commanding officer of the ship, they only answer to Imperial Intelligence.
Imperial Intelligence also plants operatives hidden among the crew to report on the ship's leadership and morale. The Intelligence Officers on board the ship do not know who these operatives are.Chief Intelligence Officer Responsible for managing the Intelligence department. The Chief Intelligence Officer also offers this data and acts as adviser to the commanding officer, bridge crew, and marine landing parties. The Chief Intelligence Officer also monitors the loyalty of the officers and crew to the Empire. Second Intelligence Officer Responsible for assisting the Chief Intelligence Officer in gathering and distributing data. Also supervises interrogations of prisoners. Intelligence Officer Responsible for gathering and analyzing data. Also supervises interrogations. Provides data gathered to the Intelligence Chief in a timely manner. Communications Officer Ensures the ship can communicate and receive messages. The Communications Officer also encrypts and decrypts signals. The Communications Officer can also attempt to jam or disrupt enemy communications. All the signals sent to and from the ship are recorded and logged by the Communications Officer and kept by the Intelligence Department. Interrogator These crewman are usually enlisted from the dregs of society. They are responsible for gathering information from prisoners using physical coercive methods. -
Science (Primary Manifest)
A Science department is something not typically assigned to a Klingon vessel. From sensor readings to figuring out a way to enter the strange spacial anomaly, the science department is responsible for recording data, testing new ideas out, and making discoveries.
Chief Science Officer The Chief Science Officer is responsible for all the scientific data the ship/facility collects, and the distribution of such data to specific section within the department for analysis. S/he is also responsible with providing the ship's captain with scientific information needed for command decisions.
S/he also is a department head and a member of the Senior Staff and responsible for all the crew members in her/his department and duty rosters.Second Science Officer The Second Science Officer assists Chief Science Officer in all areas, such as administration, and analysis of scientific data. The Second often take part in specific analysis of important data along with the Chief Science Officer, however spends most time overseeing current project and their section heads. Science Officer The Assistant Chief Science Officer assists Chief Science Officer in all areas, such as administration, and analysis of scientific data. The Assistant often take part in specific analysis of important data along with the Chief Science Officer, however spends most time overseeing current project and their section heads. -
Marines (Primary Manifest)
Klingon Warriors are feared throughout the galaxy for their ferocity. There are few other better warriors than a Klingon, even half drunk. Being a warrior and dying honorably in combat is the highest honor a Klingon can achieve. Marines are used as internal security aboard vessels. They also form landing parties. Marine Officers, along with Weapons Officers, are Tactical Officers and have received the same training. They are differentiated by their ship borne positions.
Marine Commander While most warriors on a Klingon ship, base or vessel are enlisted, the Marine Commander is an officer and highly decorated warrior with a vast amount of combat experience. In many cases, Marine Commanders have been admitted to the Order of the Bat'leth during their time as a Marine Commander.
The Marine Commander is responsible for ground combat tactical decisions and leading Klingon warriors into battle, be it on a planet or on another vessel.Marine Second Officer The Marine Second Officer is a respected officer and Marine who reports to the Marine Commander and is responsible for assisting the Marine Commander in their duties. In some rare cases, Marine Second Officers are also members of the Order of the Bat'leth. In addition to assisting with tactical decisions, the Marine Second Officer is most often responsible for shipboard security as well under the oversight of the Marine Comnder. Marine Officer Marine Officers lead landing parties. They also assist in the security of the ship and may lead a counter-boarding party. Master-at-Arms The Master-at-Arms is primarily responsible for training warriors on the things they need most. In many cases, this includes continued training on hand-to-hand combat, but can also include training on explosives, infiltration and more technical matters of an upcoming assignment. Gaoler The Gaoler is responsible for prisoners and supervision of the brig. The Gaoler will ensure that prisoners are in good health and will assist interrogation officers in the transport of prisoners. Master Armsman Marine The Master Armsman Marine is the senior most marine NCO. The Master Armsman is responsible for organizing, disciplining, and the training of enlisted marines. Squad Leader Marines are broken down into squads that are commanded by junior non commissioned officers with combat experience or highly senior enlisted Marines. Working with the Marine Commander and Marine Executive Officer, they are responsible for executing battle orders. Marine Comprising the highest majority of Klingons on a ship, marines are the lifeblood of the Klingon Defense Force and strive to bring glory and honor to their houses through battle. The primary focus of a marine is small arms combat. The are also trained in damage control procedures and can be assigned to damage control parties.
Marines are formed into squads. During their time on ship, squads are assigned different tasks which are rotated. Duties include acting as security details, damage control parties, or doing mundane cleaning duties. -
Logistics (Primary Manifest)
These are the mundane duties that keep the ship operating. These duty positions are considered to low for those of the officer class who often come from the nobility. Typically, the positions will be filled out by warrant officers and senior NCOs.
Quartermaster The Quartermaster is responsible for sundries and assigning quarters aboard the ship. This position is typically held by a warrant officer. Victualler The Victualler is responsible for the foodstuffs and alcohol on the ship. This includes that the Victualler insure that the food isn't spoiled and that it is of good quality. Chef These crew are responsible for food preparation. Sometimes these can be lower enlisted but typically they are servitors. Servitor Usually of non-Klingon origin, servitors or jeghpu'wI , serve the crew in a variety of roles. These could include janitor, waiter, or batman.