Departments & Positions

  • Command (Primary Manifest)

    The Command division on a Klingon vessel is made up of the seniormost Klingon officers. Commanding a ship, base or other vessel is considered an honor worthy of song and carries with it the responsibilities of running the ship, base or vessel and carrying out the orders of the Klingon Defense Force.

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  • Weapons (Primary Manifest)

    When it comes to space battles, there are no finer tacticians and gunners than Klingons. All officers in the Klingon Defense Force undergo significant tactical training before being given their officer status by the Klingon Oversight Council. Great honor can come from being an excellent weapons officer.

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  • Navigation (Primary Manifest)

    Much like any warrior in the Weapons division, the Navigation division are known for their bold and innovative battle maneuvers. Warriors in the Navigation division work closely with the Weapons division and understand battle tactics better than most.

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  • Engineering (Primary Manifest)

    The Klingon Empire isn't known for its engineers. Despite that though, the Klingon Defense Force Order of Engineers is an honorable one with a long history of keeping vessels in battles for greater glory.

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  • Medical (Primary Manifest)

    Medical and Science services are sparse in the Klingon Empire and as such are in high demand on ships, bases and vessels near the front lines of a conflict. Besides dealing with medical problems, all Klingon physicians also double as science officers for the ship, base or vessel.

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  • Intelligence (Primary Manifest)

    This department is responsible for gathering and analyzing data. They are also the eyes and ears of the High Council on the ship. The Intelligence Department is to also insure that the crew remain loyal to the High Council. This department has access to all personnel files of the crew. This branch is semi independent. While they will obey the orders of commanding officer of the ship, they only answer to Imperial Intelligence.

    Imperial Intelligence also plants operatives hidden among the crew to report on the ship's leadership and morale. The Intelligence Officers on board the ship do not know who these operatives are.

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  • Science (Primary Manifest)

    A Science department is something not typically assigned to a Klingon vessel. From sensor readings to figuring out a way to enter the strange spacial anomaly, the science department is responsible for recording data, testing new ideas out, and making discoveries.

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  • Marines (Primary Manifest)

    Klingon Warriors are feared throughout the galaxy for their ferocity. There are few other better warriors than a Klingon, even half drunk. Being a warrior and dying honorably in combat is the highest honor a Klingon can achieve. Marines are used as internal security aboard vessels. They also form landing parties. Marine Officers, along with Weapons Officers, are Tactical Officers and have received the same training. They are differentiated by their ship borne positions.

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  • Logistics (Primary Manifest)

    These are the mundane duties that keep the ship operating. These duty positions are considered to low for those of the officer class who often come from the nobility. Typically, the positions will be filled out by warrant officers and senior NCOs.

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